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Work With Me

You don't have to let your anxiety or ADD determine the quality of your life!


You can find calm and wellness and be more productive and organized.


You can get beyond the cycle of stress and mess with some tools, guidance and accountability.


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Get Your Questions Answered

And See If This Is The

Right Fit For You

Start With A
Connection Call
Then Get To Work

Start Coaching and Getting Support Right Away


Coaching helped me achieve my health and lifestyle goals. 

I feel so much better about my body and am seeing great weight loss progress, even though I am being more patient and gentle with myself than before. 

I have improved the way I speak to myself internally and have more self-awareness and clarity.

This has been so effective that I discontinued doing therapy, because I am getting better results with coaching. 

I really like that coaching is solution focused. 



I have  a different relationship with my body and food and more confidence about myself from the inside and out.

I learned that it is important to take care of myself, so I can take care of my family. 

Coaching helped me find my joy and feel happiness more frequently.  I am not experiencing guilt as often and can enjoy the moment. 

 I have noticed many positive changes and have felt coaching is very worth the money.


I have seen specific improvement in my confidence, more positive self-talk, my marriage has improved significantly and I am much better at not comparing myself to others.
I have felt valued and supported throughout the process.
Coaching is worth the financial investment,  because you can't put a value on your happiness and your relationships that are affected by your mental state. 
My marriage and my relationship with my children have only been positively affected due to my time in coaching.

The Process & Pricing

There are 3 components to the coaching process

 Coaching Sessions 


Coaching sessions with me where the big "ah-ha" moments take place

and where we customize everything to get your desired results in the way that works best for you.  Secure and private zoom link. 




Videos, books, podcasts and scientific research information that is personalized to your specific needs.  Or bite-sized takeaways if you don't have the time to watch or read it yourself.

Text Support

In-between sessions you are encouraged to text me with in-the-moment struggles, questions and situations that arise. 

Impromptu text coaching gets you faster results!

Coaching Session Options

You pick your pace from weekly coaching to once a month.  The most common pattern is to start out weekly and then space sessions out as you are making progress.  Many clients continue on monthly long-term for the continued accountability and support.  

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